Nutri-Add Family Program
Cooperation with St. James’ Settlement
To enhance the nutrition knowledge of the underprivileged and to raise their concern about balanced diet, Wyeth Nutrition and St. James' Settlement People's Food Bank has jointly organized the "Nutri-Add Family Program" for eleven consecutive years since 2012. For the first two years, 30 families from St. James Settlement were invited to participate in the Program respectively. In 2014, the Program extended its scale to reach the community as well as primary schools. The beneficiaries of the Program have reached 134,841 people times so far.
There is a proverb that says, "Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime." The Program aims to allow parents and children with the guidance of a dietitian, to understand their daily diet from a nutrition perspective and learn about choosing and matching suitable food within limited budget, hence to achieve the goal of balanced nutrition by applying the knowledge in their daily life, and to share the nutrition knowledge they learned with the community.
Since its launch, the Program offered participants a series of educational and entertaining activities, including nutrition talks, healthy recipe design and cooking competition, family cooking classes, family day camp, video production for nutrition knowledge sharing, fun fair in the community, community nutrition group, public vote & live stream seminar, etc. The Program also collaborated with talents studying nutritional sciences in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (“CUHK”) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”) to design board games under the theme of nutrition, which allowed participants to learn with fun. One of the board games, Rainbow Diet, will be massively distributed to primary schools in Hong Kong to facilitate the teaching of relevant nutrition knowledge.