360 Degree Social Adaptation Program
Cooperation with Heep Hong Society
In addition to caring the nutritional needs of children, Wyeth Nutrition is also concerned about children's development and growth as an integral, especially for those children with special needs. Since 2011, Wyeth Nutrition has partnered with Heep Hong Society to organize the "360 Degree Social Adaptation Program" for children with special needs with an aim to help them to learn about social life adaptation through a series of activities.
The "360 Degree Social Adaptation Program" includes activities which enrich children's social interaction experiences, such as spring outing, having haircut, taking public transport, wall painting, career role-playing games, and Nature Exploration Day etc. In addition, activities like going "yum cha" and Christmas gathering are also organized to help them to acquire daily social life skills and teach them about social manner. All these are aiming at providing children with different kinds of experience and training.
In addition to serving children, the Program also offers mock job interview for teenagers with special needs and volunteers from Pfizer Nutrition (the former of Wyeth Nutrition) would provide guidance and suggestions for the interviewees. It is hoped that the teenagers can capitalize on the professional advice and further integrated with the society.
In all of the above activities, our volunteer team played an active role in them by enthusiastically serving the children as well as the teenagers, and promoting spirit of serving the community.