Working Towards a Sustainable Future

Sustainability is a major trend all over the world as environmental concerns are increasingly top of mind for consumers. We at Wyeth Nutrition Hong Kong understand the importance of integration of sustainability into our business operation and that is why we have been working from different perspectives to contribute to a sustainable future.
Apart from organizing activities for our colleagues and the public to raise awareness on the topic, we also incorporated the sustainability concept into our product portfolio – one of which is the ILLUMA® 3 Organic Formula. According to a blog article published on The Earth Institute, Columbia University, “Organic food is grown without synthetic inputs such as chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Organic farms instead use natural approaches and fertilizers, such as crop rotation, to control pests, diseases and weeds. This minimizes the exposure of farm workers, consumers, and the environment more broadly to harmful pesticides.”1 The organic milk is sourced from organic farms which newborn cows are preferably fed with natural maternal milk. To understand more about the product, please visit Illumama Community Facebook page.
Wyeth Nutrition will continue to do our best and build a sustainable future.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended during the first 6 months of life followed by the introduction of adequate nutritious complementary foods, along with sustained breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.
-; accessed on 19 February 2021